

Adding complexity to polygons.

View the Project on GitHub MichaelMBradley/Detailing

20 July 2021


by Michael Bradley

The last few weeks have been fairly devoid of massive new additions as I’ve been attempting to bugfix my code.

While not yet perfect, I have now gotten to a stage that I am fairly happy with. Of course, it isn’t difficult to spot mistakes, but the vast majority of the curves have generated properly.

Here’s another close-up of a section of the polycurve.

A close-up of a section of a curve.

Below are some full polycurves.

A single curve around the polyline, mostly without errors.

A single curve around the polyline, mostly without errors.

A single curve around the polyline, mostly without errors.

While quashing the last few bugs, I’ll also be focused on more artistic ideals, trying to find ways to alter the look and feel of the polycurve.
