Adding complexity to polygons.
by Michael Bradley
One recent method I’ve tried, slightly adapting a suggestion by Dr. Mould, is to determine which nodes intersect the polyline, and then group the remaining nodes based on which node intersecting the polyline they are closest to. I can then create a minimum spanning tree for each of these groups.
In this image, the red lines mark connections on the tree and the blue lines mark connections between trees. While I have found a way to traverse these nodes in order (going around the tree clockwise on the exterior and counter-clockwise on the interior of the polyline), until I progress further in creating a smooth curve around the generated nodes I don’t have an effective means of showing this traversal.
I’ve been having many issues with my code to connect the perimeters of adjacent circles with arcs, but tomorrow I’ve decided to rewrite my code so that instead of having a start angle and end angle for each arc (which can cause problems with the renderer by being in the wrong order), I’ll simply calculate a start angle and the angle that the arc travels through.
If that goes well, hopefully I can make good progress tomorrow.