

Adding complexity to polygons.

View the Project on GitHub MichaelMBradley/Detailing

3 May 2021


by Michael Bradley

For the first day, I was mostly focused on setup.

I wrote a very small amount of code in Processing (from here referred to as p5) mostly just so that I had something. I also made the decision to use the Python version of p5 as I am more familiar with it.

After a futile attempt to use p5 in my usual VSCode, I switched back to the p5 IDE.

Before taking some time to set up this blog, I quickly started sketching out some ideas for circle packing a basic shape.

A sketch showing the progression of a polygon being covered in circles and then having a line drawn around it.

This is also the shape I programmed into the basic p5 code. The next steps are to find some p5 libraries to help me with the circle packing, and to determine exactly how I want to go about circle packing. I could choose to start from the centre out, or to traverse the circumference and add circles whenever I could.

As well, I need to decide if it is useful to have circles available on the exterior of the shape.
